Friday, March 26, 2010

Combined Post

The topic for my research paper is the sitcom 'Seinfeld'. This topic doesn't have a significant impact on american culture, other than that nearly every american with a t.v. has stumbled upon a re-run of seinfeld sometime in their channel changing, and most factor it into their daily schedule. It is different from other t.v. shows because it doesn't attempt to teach a moral at the end of the episode, the episodes themselves don't have any particular area of emphasis, and it is officially about nothing. The issues that i will be addressing have to do with it being the most representative of people's inner thoughts and true, realistic actions. It is an excellent example of humanity, and should be studied as such, as opposed to just a comedic sitcom.

1 comment:

  1. Your topic is really interesting. It seems as though you don't really like the show, or just don't care for it, but I can definitely see how it could be used as a source of examining behaviors. Many Americans do act in the same way as the characters on the show and it can bring out some cool finding about Americans and/or the american culture through it.
    I am totally looking forward to reading your paper and learning some cool things.
