Friday, February 19, 2010

Blog prompt #5

My opinion about Taylor Swift is set in stone. I am more than satisifed with her as an artist. When her first album came out, she was never under this type of criticism, but a common theme is that when somebody becomes famous, they become subject to public criticism for no reason other their fame. Even though i don't like her second album nearly as much as her first, that is just her trying to reach a wider fan base. The article tried to criticize her music, like the topic of her music, and that is what i love most about her music, just because it's about boys doesn't mean i'm a gay, but the whole attitude of her music, and the setting described. listening to it puts me in a comfortable place mentally. As for the pictures, videos, and charts in the essay.. yes, they added a great deal of support for the author's point. Fortunately for me, i'm thickheaded as bear, and hold onto my opinions with stalwart resolve.


  1. I give you major props for coming out as strongly as you do about your opinion of Taylor Swift. That isn't gay at all. This just proves that Swift's songs appeal to both girls and boys. You're also right about pointing out that celebrities are at a much higher risk the more popular they become. A lot of the criticism could have been geared towards Swift's first album, but everyone who is "bashing" on her only started to speak out after she started winning award after award. I found the visuals to be effective as well, but I too will stand by Swift and remain a fan.

  2. I really like Taylor Swift also. I like the fact that her lyrics are simple and about things that people can actually relate to. Her music is catchy, she may not be the most amazing singer but she still makes me want to listen to her. I still have the same feelings about her also.

  3. I actually liked her second album better! Not saying I didn't like the first though! I really liked the first too. This article didn't really make me change my opinions on her, but it made me laugh. The purpose of it seemed like it was to make people who like Taylor Swift laugh, rather than hate on the author.

  4. I definitely agree! You made a lot of great points that I'm right behind you with. There are soo many artists that sing about love, boys, and etc. just like Taylor Swift so why is she the one getting called out for her songs? I feel like there's a lot of other artists that I'd say something about before her. I like Taylors music and although it's not all that meaningful, it doesn't mean it's not good or fun to listen to and what not.
