Friday, February 12, 2010

blog #3

I think that logos is the most effective when writing a paper. When making people interpret pathos and and ethos it leaves room for their judgement, but logos is (for the most part) indisputable and facts seem to change people's minds a lot more than feelings. In my "Into The Wild response i used mostly logos, but also tried to use some ethos, being a outdoors type of person, but i get the feeling that neither was extremely apparent.


  1. I argued that logos is important too. I didn't say it was the most effective , but it works hand in hand with both pathos and ethos. I, personally, think I like to use pathos. When it comes to essays with assigned topics, I tend to feel like I am not credible enough to write it or analyze it. I hope we all get a little better with using rhetorics in the weeks to come

  2. Logos is important, but I don't think it's the most important. I guess I don't like to read papers that just have a bunch of facts in it. I'd rather be reading something that'll make me laugh and want to know what else is in it. I'm not saying that you don't put pathos into your papers, I just think that logos isn't as important to me as pathos is.

  3. I also believe that logos is important when writing a paper, but I however think that patho has a stronger effect considering the essay topics that we have written so far. Im learning how to create that balance by showing the right amount of emotion and then also having logos, this is something I need to fix in my essays.
