Friday, January 22, 2010

Blog Prompt #1

So, in the spirit of introduction, my name is Matthew Carl Mill, I go by Matt because I like the way it sounds, unless said in conjunction with my last name, in which case i prefer Matthew because Matt Mill is two very terse alliterations and i don't think it sounds good, but i digress, for all intents and purposes, Matt is good. I was born in Olympia, WA and have lived all of my life in Littlerock, a very small town about 20 miles South of the capitol. I'm a big fan of the outdoors and do a lot of hunting. Whether it be big game or waterfowl, for me it's more about being outside and getting away from whatever persistence is bothering me, whether it be school, work, or a combination of the two. My favorite sports are soccer and tennis, i'm on the club tennis team at WSU, which means merely that i paid the $50 to join, i'm just a decent player. I'm a good student, it is about the best thing i have going for me, and I view classes in terms of "how can i get an A?" as opposed to the more practical "what can learn from this class?" but since i'm studying chemical engineering, I feel that I get get away with that outlook in this English class. I read a lot of books. Most of which are in the Science-Fantasy genre, but also i read a lot of war accounts and Tom Clancy. I don't read Clive Cussler because I think his books sucks ass. I like to write about myself ^^^, and i'm competant when it comes to writing a story, but I'm pretty awful at academic writing, so this class will be a struggle. that's about it.


  1. Hi Matt!

    That's pretty neat that you hunt; being that I'm from Hawaii there isn't much hunting around (except for pig). In high school I used to view a class in terms of how I could get an A too, at least for most classes. Now that tuition is so expensive and I have to cover most of the costs myself, I'm trying to get more out of my classes. I think for you particularly, learning how to write well this semester might be important later. I've worked with some engineers over the summer and know a few engineers back at home who say that they thought after school they could get rid of English. They were, however, wrong and now spend a lot of time writing reports and what not. I'm not sure if that holds true to chemical engineers as well; maybe depends on the firm. Anyway, I'll see you in class. Hopefully this semester won't be as much of a struggle as we all think.

  2. Hey Matt, I was going to talk about how there isn't much hunting in Hawaii, but Kryssa totally stole that one.. Well, I am totally on the same page as you with the whole, "how do I get an A in this class" thing. I think I just tend to do this in every class I take unless it's something related to my major, then I'd look at it with the "what can I learn from this class" attitude.
    I have the same thought about my name too! :D Timothy is weird to be called, so I like Tim. But with my last name, I like Timothy Short, cause Tim Short is just a little too short..
    Well nice getting to know you a bit. See you on tuesday!

  3. Hi!
    I have to say that I totally agree with you about loving to be outdoors, I myself have never been hunting though. Alot of my friends have. Thats good that your keeping up with tennis at WSU. I also play soccer, i miss it a ton. I am thinking about maybe joining intermural team. Well I will see you Tuesday!

  4. Hey Matt!
    I enjoyed reading your about me and getting to know a little bit about yourself. I also love the outdoors and doing outdoor activities! Along with the way I view classes, "How can I get an A out of the class". Although that now that we're in college I feel like I should probably start viewing it as "What can I learn from the class" more than how can I get an A since we are paying quite a bit for our education now. I'm thinking this class is going to be a bit of a challenge for myself too! I think we'll be able to get through it just fine though! Nice meeting you, I'll see you in class on Tuesday.
